Wednesday 31 August 2022

Best Children Dental Clinic in Dubai-Dr. Paul's Dental Clinic in Dubai

Top-rated pediatric dental clinic - Pediatric Dental Clinic in DubaiThe pediatric dentist in  Dubai clinic treat infants, young children, and teenagers. Highly qualified, our kids’ dentists treat your child’s teeth, mouth, and gum issues with tender care and concern. Your child’s first teeth erupt when they are around 6 months old. These milk teeth will start to fall when your child is around six or seven years old. Proper dental care from infancy through your child’s teenage years ensures that your child does not have any dental complications in the future. Connect with us at Dr. Paul’s for the most experienced team, if you are looking for a Pediatric dentist in Dubai.

Thursday 11 August 2022

Major Algorithm Updates of Google

The Origin of Google

The history and evaluation of google started with two Ph.D. students Sergey Brin and Larry Page from Stanford University in 1996. They developed a search engine from their dorm rooms that used links to gauge the significance of particular Web pages. This search engine was given the name "Backrub". Soon after, they changed the name of the company from backrub to Google, which stood for the mathematical phrase for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.

Google early Logo

The domain name was registered in 1997. Later in 2000, Google added thirteen other languages, including search options in Korean, Chinese, and Japanese.Prior to moving to link specificity, Google was niche particular, which meant content specific. To rank the search results based on linking activity, they developed the PageRank algorithm, which retains Larry's name. It evaluates the page's quality using 200 factors, with scores ranging from 0 to 10.The search engine delivers websites ranked by relevancy on its search engine results pages(SERP) by combining a variety of algorithms and ranking parameters . The majority of these upgrades are so minor that you might not even notice them. But occasionally, the search engine releases big algorithmic changes that have a huge impact on the SERP.

Google algorithm updates

Google released many algorithm changes, Here are the Google algorithm upgrades from the last decade that have had the most impact on SEO.

1. Panda ( 2011)

The Google Panda Update was the strongest algorithm among the algorithm upgrades. Another name for it was a farmer update. This restricted the spamming of content.


Causing factors for the Panda Update by Google

  • Plagiarized content/duplicate content
  • Error content /Low-quality content
  • Content spinning
  • Automated content
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Thin content
In 2014 Panda4.0 was released as a permanent filter.

2. Penguin ( 2012)

The Panda update was followed by the Penguin update. It was against link spamming.

Penguin update

Causing factors for the Penguin Update by Google

  • Paid link
  • link exchanger
  • link farming/ link cultivation
  • Comment spamming 
  • Wiki spamming

In 2016 Penguin 4.0 was released as a permanent filter.

3. Pigeon (2014)

This update was set up to assist local businesses and search results locally.

Pigeon update

  • Register under Google my business.
  • Get likes and reviews from the local crowd on social media.
  • The map should be embedded on their contact us page.
  • Register in local directories. 

For a Physical store that wanted to show on google, had to go through the below steps:

Later in 2016 google came with Possom update ,which gave more accurate update like time and distance.

4. Hummingbird (2013)

Its main intent was to understand the user's main objective behind the search. Google shifted from keyword-based queries to conversational search.
hummingbird update

This update helped users to ask their queries in sentences.Based on semantic search, it sought to produce the most accurate SERP results by understanding searchers' purpose and the context of their queries.

5.Rank Brain (2015)

The hummingbird's extension was the rank brain update. RankBrain is ranked as the third most significant ranking element by Google.It is the only Artificial Intelligence (AI) add-on that the search engine truly uses to provide users with better search results.

Rank Brain

This upgrade has an impact on websites with shallow and non-query-specific content. Google began to recognise that the same concept can be expressed in a number of different ways.

6.Mobilegeddon (2015)

It was the first Google mobile friendly update. Google makes sure to send you to websites that offer a positive user experience on that mobile device .

Mobile Friendly

  • Responsive updates
  • Vertical scrolling.
  • tap/zoom option available
  • Readability
  • screen should be clear

7.BERT (2019)

BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers.Under this update google used Natural Language Processor(NLP) to helpthe computers understand the meaning of ambiguous language in text and also to get context of the content.

Google BERT

Prior to the BERT update, Google's algorithm only read one way; afterwards, it began reading bi directional (two-way).

8.Exact Match Domain(2012)

Exact match domain (EMD) means a domain name that is identical to the search phrase entered into google.


This update caused exact match domain with low quality content to fall behind in the search results.

9.Pirate Update(2012)

This update effects the ranking of website that violate copyrights under US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).


The first batch of piracy updates covered text, music, photos, and videos. The programme was released later in 2014.

10.FRED (2017)

This update eliminates websites that have poor user experiences or low quality content.It was focused against displaying excessive ads,which gave terrible user experience.


In other words, it improves user experience like all Google upgrades have been doing.Bracket Upgrade was a refinement of this version that aimed to do rid of manipulative review.


It was initially made available for the YMYL (Your Money Your Life) website, which sells goods, services, or knowledge that may have an impact on customers' happiness, health, financial security, or safety.Later, it was done so in order to highlight and enhance the pages' expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).


  • A combination of the creator, the content, and the website all contribute to E-A-T.
  • Reputation of the website or the Main Content author is essential
  • Information about the website or the person who created the main content is vital.
  • The main content's quantity and quality are crucial

In future More Google updates will come

Each year, Google makes both minor and large adjustments to its core algorithm. Its main objective is to enhance search result quality and user experience.

Best Children Dental Clinic in Dubai-Dr. Paul's Dental Clinic in Dubai

Top-rated pediatric dental clinic - Pediatric Dental Clinic in Dubai :  The pediatric dentist in  Dubai clinic treat infants, young children...